16 February 2022

# Cyber attacks are a growing threat in South Africa. Failing to protect data can cost companies millions and many are forced to close. In the past year, 47-percent of companies report that they’ve been affected by ransomware. The managing director of Data Management Professionals South Africa, Iniel Dreyer warns that cybercriminals are constantly upping their game:

Play sound: ENG-DreyerMotives

He says attackers gain illegal access to computer systems in a few different ways. The most common practice is phishing via e-mail:

Play sound: ENG-DreyerPhishing

Dreyer says they use social media to collect information about your interests before sending you messages containing ransomware and other vindictive code:

Play sound: ENG-DreyerAI

He says every company should take it seriously and take precautions:

Play sound: ENG-DreyerProtection

However, many companies operate without cyber insurance and are not willing to spend money on protecting themselves:

Play sound: ENG-DreyerRealCost

Dreyer further warns paying a ransom to attackers incentivises criminals and research shows only 40-percent of those who pay the money get their data back.